The Future of Living and Work
“We have no idea what the world will look like in 2050. We don’t know what people will do for a living, what the job market will look like or what skills people will need… much of what kids learn today will likely be irrelevant by 2050.” Yuval Noah Harari, 21 lessons for the 21st Century
Tech is changing how we travel and communicate. This in turn is impacting where we live, how we work, and the manner in which we exchange ideas and build relationships. How will this shift in the status quo impact our future more broadly?
In this context, Matter Of Form has set out to explore the issues surrounding the physical spaces in which we live and work.
While WeWork is the most notable current disruptor in the property sector, we find it takes up a disproportionate share of the debate and masks bigger trends than just coworking. The future of work and living is a sprawling topic – so we have highlighted some key themes and areas of discussion:
1. Co-living
2. Branded living
3. Blurred of work and home
4. Tech disruption and friendly robots
5. Ethical and sustainable spaces
And within these themes we have set out to answer the following questions:
- While home ownership is still desirable, for many it is unattainable. Can shared living answer some of the challenges of affordability and need for community?
- We need to think about people, not tenants – messy, complicated people with real human needs for interaction and connectivity. How can the buildings we develop incorporate a more human touch?
- Where else can brands step in where more traditional landlords are failing?
- How can property developers maintain a competitive edge and capitalise on new demands of occupiers while protecting the local community and operating sustainable practices?
- The arms-length relationship between landlords and occupiers is a thing of the past – the demands for service provision are greater than ever. How can new job roles and technology service these needs?
- Can digital, conversational user interfaces like chatbots and voice search improve guest experiences in co-living and co-working environments?
- Can we encourage local government and planning authorities to support experimental housing to see rents and construction costs fall?
And above all, we will debate whether our physical spaces are likely to serve our living and working needs in a positive and optimistic manner, or whether they will represent and reflect a more pressured and dangerous world in the years to come.
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